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Easy Medical Billing Solutions

There’s something we’d like to talk about, and it has everything to do with the importance of maintaining an organized and profitable psychological & psychiatry practice. You’re busy seeing and providing compassionate and understanding care to every patient that walks through your doors – your primary focus should be on them, not the hassle of filing insurance claims and mucking through medical billing… and we have the perfect solution to that problem by choosing Revu Medical for all your insurance and billing needs!

By choosing Revu for your billing and insurance verification needs, you can expect to receive a full-service billing solution for your psychology clinic, regardless of the size. Our main objective is to take the massive burden of exhaustive and overly repetitive administration tasks off your to-do list so that you can focus on what is most important:  providing top-of-the-line psychological care to your patients and community.

Now you can take a deep breath and relax knowing that our experts at Revu will handle all your billing duties from ensuring insurance claims are processed to the collection of money that is owed to you and your practice.

How Can Our Services Help Manage Your Speech Therapy Practice?

By offering a variety of services to help your practice function to the best of its abilities, our team of billing and management experts offer:




Within 24 hours of the EOB being scanned at your clinic, our team gets to work and carefully checks that each insurance payment or adjustment is posted to the patient’s ledger.


Revu guarantees that all your billing claims are sent to reputable insurance carriers in an effective and timely manner. By sending each claim electronically we can ensure accuracy and we cooperate with your existing electronic claims system to provide a seamless process. If you have previously been managing claims manually, we are also able to aid in setting up an electronic claims system for your clinic at no additional cost to you.


No one likes receiving a denial of any kind and claim denials are a headache to deal with. We aim to avoid claim denials by carefully reviewing each claim before they are sent off to be processed. However, if a claim does end up being denied, our dedicated team of specialists will quickly and effectively find the reason for the denial and will file an appeal. We are happy to go to any length to resolve disputed claims on your behalf.


Our team of experts is committed to verifying the creation of each insurance claim by ensuring that each claim is created promptly and contains all the necessary information. By following through with this step it allows the oversight to be corrected if necessary and your accounts receivables to run as smoothly as possible.


When sending claims to insurance companies, we always do so electronically since the use of electronic attachments is the most efficient method for medical billing. Each attachment is carefully inspected and validated to ensure that attachments are error-free, avoiding any inconveniences that may follow. If by chance an insurance provider does not accept electronic attachments, we can always process a paper attachment via mail.


Revu is your premium medical billing partner with a full staff of experts and professionals dedicated to recovering all missing information from your patients before any claim is processed and delivered to the insurance company, saving you and your patients time and money.

How Does Billing and Insurance Verification Work?

Patient Data Entry

We act as soon as a patient registers with your clinic. We start the process by entering your patient’s information into our electronic billing software and from there a claim is generated. Then, we can continue to the next step in the process: claim verification.

Claim Verification

After a claim is generated, we begin to review each aspect of the patient’s information and you can rest assured that no claim is processed without proper verification first.

Claim Submission

Once the claims are satisfied, we start to work on processing them for submission to the patient’s insurance company.

Payment Posting

As soon as payment has been received by the insurance company, it is immediately posted to the patient’s ledger by our team.

Frequently Asked Questions

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast


Steph Duarte, The Chicago Dental Studio

As an expanding company, Dental Revu has been a great aid to our services. Henry and his team have been providing great customer service since we began working together. Not only have they provided solutions to issues that we may come across but they are very communicative. It been a pleasure working with them and I can not wait to see what the future holds for our partnership.

Julia Cdebaca, Refuge Counselling Center

I'm very grateful for the kind and efficient support offered by the Revu staff. My billing is now handled efficiently, questions are answered promptly and the service is provided at a great value.

Chesapeake Dental

Our practice is using this amazing Team to do our insurance verifications and they are on point. They helped us see more patients and make our front office system more efficient. Our front office team can just focus on patient scheduling instead of being on the phone with insurance for hours and hours. They are highly recommended! Thank you Revu Team!- Joy (Practice Manager)

Orange Grove

Revu Billing comprehensive services for managing a dental office. The entire team of Revu Billing are very knowledgeable and provide customized solutions to cater to managing the dental office administration needs. We are currently using Revu Billing and are very happy with the services and partnership.

South Jersey

Revu offers many tremendously helpful services for all dental offices. They should definitely be utilized and implemented for dental office functions. Their team is very thorough and always responsive. A Must Have!

Eco Friendly

We use Revu Billing for our insurance verification at our office and we are so happy. It takes the stress away from our front desk and gives us more time to focus on our patients.

Midtown Excellence

ReVu offers a lot of great services. We have our own way of doing things and their Team learned every bit of it and did a great job! And doing it every day!

Morgan Reynolds, Park Pediatric Dentistry

We use Revu for our Pediatric Office and we absolutely LOVE them!! Their customer service is amazing, they are very efficient and thorough! We appreciate them more than they probably know!

Tonya Kennedy, Dentistry for Children

The entire team at Revu Billing is always courteous and professional. One of my favorite things about this company is that they are PEOPLE, rather than automation. It is like an extension of your local staff. They are always receptive to change, and quick to respond to questions or issues. Although hesitant to make the change and outsource such an important part of our office, I am SO glad I did! My only regret is that I didn't do it much sooner!

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    Getting an accurate diagnosis can be one of the most impactful experiences that you can have — especially if you’ve been in search of that answer for a while. We can help you get there.

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