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5 Reasons Why SEO Is Significant To Boost Your Dental Practice?

Search engine optimization is an amazing online marketing strategy. It can help businesses compete and win a rewarding place in their industry based on the quality of their products and services and how they interest their target audience.

Wondering why you would be interested in SEO as a dental practitioner? Well, if the end goal of your dental practice is to earn maximum revenue, SEO is definitely something of your interest as for any other business.

Dental practice is sure to provide your customers with the best dental care and treatment. But you’ll eventually need the patients to serve at the end of the day. And patients today are much likely to search for a dental service online just like they do for any other product or service.

If you haven’t implemented Dental SEO, you’re missing out on a significant share of patients. Now that the patients search for dental services online, your practice shall be available online to grab your prospects.

Implementing the right Dental SEO techniques with DentalRevu can help you pop up on top of the SERPs against relevant searches. The higher you’ll rank, the more traffic you’d be able to drive – eventually turning into leads and conversions. And that must be the goal of your dental practice – to convert patients, serve them, and generate ROI.


5 Reasons Why Dental SEO Is Significant 


Dive deep to learn why SEO is significant to boost dental practices and get inspired!


1) Attracts More Patients – 

As mentioned previously, today’s patients would most likely search for a dental practice online. And so, you’ve to exist in the online world if you want to attract the most share of prospective patients.

No matter how amazing dental care you offer at the clinic, nobody’s going to know about that unless you put in the right efforts. Search engine optimization can really help you get found by prospective patients.

Implementing the right dental SEO techniques and tools would really uplift your ranking on the SERPS. Statistics show that the results appearing on top of SERPs are likely to drive the most traffic to their websites.

Thus, ranking on top can really help you attract more patients to your dental clinic. The more patients would visit the website; the higher would be the chances of lead generation and conversion – eventually leading towards an expanded and boosted dental practice.


2) Enhances User Experience – 

Dental SEO can not only make your website perfect to the ranking criterion of search engines. But it can also enhance the user experience on your dental website like never before.

The core purpose of a search engine is to match search queries from the customers with the most relevant outcomes. And so, SEO algorithms and best practices are always a combination of what the users demand to see.

And so, optimizing your dental practice website to the SEO best practices is just as similar to making it as your patients would like. Thus, the better you implement Dental SEO strategies, the more convenient the user experience you’d be able to offer on your website.

How does a convenient user experience contribute to boosting your dental practice?

Well, that’s simple. The easier it would be to stay on your site for the patients, the better they’ll explore your services. And boom – you’ll be able to capture their attention – convincing them of the great dental care you offer.

That can eventually maximize your lead generation and conversions – giving a noticeable boost to your dental practice.

3) Establishes Trust & Credibility – 

A good dental practice website that’s right optimized for search engines and appears on top of the results can really help you build trust and credibility in your industry.

A rightful implementation of dental SEO, such as a patient-centered web design, easy navigations, keyword-rich copy, informational yet engaging articles that cover patient queries well, etc., can really help build you as a credible dental practice.

In addition to that, dental practice websites that are fully optimized appear on top of the SERPs. And numbers majorly enforce that the results appearing on top can drive a major chunk of the traffic without hassle.

A higher rank on search engines and that too with earned trust and credibility, what else do you need to boost a dental practice!

4) Gives Competitive Insights – 

Whether you’re running a dental practice in a particular locality or across the states, the competition is always high. If you want to grab most of the patient’s chunk and earn maximum revenue. It’s important to gain an edge over your competitors.

Professional Dental SEO companies know how to conduct thorough competitor analysis and determine their implementation strategies. This analysis can really help identify the gaps and opportunities for your dental practice.

Suppose you can determine what keywords your competitors are ranking for, dig deeper around those keywords, and publish more detailed and articulated information around queries that they have failed to talk about.

This way, you can go one step above your competition, outrank them and get the opportunity to serve your patients in a much better way.

5) Ensure Long-Term Success –

Dental SEO is significant to boost your practice, not just for a small period of time but majorly for a longer-term. If you’ve rightly implemented the SEO strategies, your dental practice website can really rank on top of the SEOs for months and years.

All you need to do is keep optimizing the website based on the tracked outcomes, and boom – you can drive great traffic, generate qualified leads, and of course, convert them into potential patients for a good period of time.

SEO does really bring long-term results, and that too against low investments.

How To Implement Dental SEO On Your Practice? 

Now that you understand how SEO is significant to boost your dental practice, you must be interested to learn how to implement dental SEO. And we’ve got you covered by explaining the steps of implementing SEO in your dental practice as follows –

Build & Design A Robust Dental Practice Website –

First things first, if you want to appear on top of the SERPs and make the most of Dental SEO strategies, get yourself a great website built and designed. A good website could be one built and designed in perfect alignment with the latest SEO trends and algorithms.

Here’s an important SEO checklist that you must refer to when planning to build a perfectly optimized dental website!

  • Clear and concise URLs
  • Optimized meta titles and descriptions
  • Optimized images with alt text
  • Efficient page speeds
  • Zero broken links
  • Streamlined navigation
  • Appealing designs

Create & Upload Keyword-Centric Content – 

A professionally built website with great designs is not enough to implement the right SEO techniques. You’ll always need quality content that’s keyword optimized and 100% unique to back that up.

A great way to create relevant content for your website is to search for your patients’ queries. The more closely you’ll understand the questions your patients are mostly asking, the more relevant content you’d be able to create and publish.

A professional dental SEO company would always conduct extensive keyword research, create topic clusters and post the utmost relevant content on your site – ensuring the queries of your patients are answered.

Add Your Practice To Google Maps –

Another great dental SEO tactic is to add your dental practice’s location to Google maps. As you search for any local service on Google, a map directory usually appears on the very top. It is called Local 3-Pack.

Adding your practice to the Google maps and optimizing it the right way can help you appear on the local 3-pack – maximizing your chances of driving traffic, generating leads, and converting massive patients.

Here’s the list of things to ensure when listing your practice on Google maps –

  • Claim your GMB listing
  • Integrate comprehensive yet clear information about your practice
  • Add the correct phone number
  • Add photos from your dental clinic

List Across Local Directories & Citations – 

Directories and citations may sound old school, but they’re a great means of uplifting your SEO rank. Adding your dental practice to the popular local directories and citation sites from your industry can really make a difference.

A few popular citation sites in the dental industry may include –

  • Yelp
  • Healthgrades
  • ZocDoc

Gather Patient Reviews –

Telling Google that you are a credible dentist is very crucial for SEO. One great SEO strategy to develop trust is securing patient reviews – whether on Google (the gold standard!), Facebook, Yelp, or elsewhere. Make sure you have a strategy for requesting patients for reviews and following up on that task. Plus, be sure to include lots of these ratings on your website!

Implement The Best SEO With DentalRevu 

Though the above listed steps for implementing dental SEO are great, you might feel overwhelmed as a newbie to the entire SEO thing. If that’s the case and you need professional assistance, DentalRevu offers the best Dental SEO services for all.

Whether you run a small-scale practice or an established dental clinic, we can help you expand digitally with the finest SEO tricks and tactics. Partner with the Dental SEO experts from our team and get ready to rank on top of the SERPs!

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